Tina Sharkey

| Investor | Entrepreneur | Board Member | Author | Professor | Global Operator |

Tina Sharkey is a brand builder, global operating executive, professor, entrepreneur, and public and private board member. The co-founder of iVillage and Brandless, where she was also CEO, Tina has created and scaled global brands and businesses that have transformed the way we communicate, shop, and share.

“Tina’s ELECTRIFYING KEYNOTES at our major conferences EDUCATE and ENTERTAIN thousands of our members and executives.”

Randall Rothenberg | Executive Chair, IAB

“Every now and again a SINGLE VOICE emerges and rises high above the cacophony of noise. TINA SHARKEY’s is such a voice.”

Brendan Dorrian | Founder, CEO | Rarely Heard Voices

I believe in building brands with soul, purpose as an imperative, and that taking the high road will always deliver a better view.

Featured Talks

TedX Unlocking Joy: The Art (& Science) of Receptional Design

Better By Design: The Community Playbook for Brands & Businesses
Auckland, New Zealand

IAB Modern Brands & Marketplaces